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Would you like to send some flowers to that special person you know? Lily's Florist Bali - your #1 florist!

Fresh, gorgeous, dazzling flowers are waiting for you at Lily’s Florist Jimbaran, Denpasar.

Do you know that at Lily’s Florist Jimbaran, we apply a special and personal method in delivering fresh flowers to not only all parts of Tanah Lot, but to all sections of Indonesia?

Yes, we are an entirely Australian owned business esteemed with impeccable values – and now we are here in Tanah Lot because of many requests from our customers everywhere.

Ever since we first appeared on the floral marketing scene in Australia many years ago, we have made every effort to attend to the specific needs and demands of the market. Our aim has always been to be your one-stop-shop for all your flower needs. This is why we continually ensure flower arrangements and packages are available to suit all occasions and events.

Lily’s Florist Jimbaran, Bali observes the highest quality standards with each one of our products; as a result, we are acknowledged far and wide as one of the most preferred florists.

Lily’s Florist Jimbaran can deliver a wide range of beautiful, fresh flowers both in store and online. With our experienced floral designers, we can create that stunning gift of flowers or hampers to mark any special occasion like anniversaries, birthdays, or perhaps just to say ‘hello.’
Whatever the reason, it is always a wonderful surprise to open your door to a beautiful selection of flowers from Lily’s Florist Jimbaran.

Do you know also, that the team at Lily’s Florist that arranges your exquisite gifts consist of some of the finest florists in Indonesia? We know that by having the best florists on our staff we are able to deliver consistently the best flower arrangements and products.

For us, delivering happiness is more than a just a nice thought. Since selling fresh flowers has been our business for many years, we believe it’s a job we are lucky to have, and we know it; and when someone gets one of our floral arrangements, we can tell they agree also – it’s as plain as the smile on their face!

Because we are one of the market leaders of on-line retailers of flowers, special gifts and hampers in Indonesia, we just love to deliver fresh and meaningful messages of love to that special person in your life. You can choose from our standard catalogue on our web pages or talk to one of our expert florist consultants and they will help you to customise your special order.

You can rest assured that Lily’s Florist Jimbaran has an assortment of flower arrangements for all tastes, budgets, as well as all occasions.

So why not order your fresh flowers online or over the phone? You can use our secure site and pay by credit card or PayPal.

Jimbaran in Bali, Indonesia is one of those small fishing villages and tourist resorts located on the ‘neck’ of Bali’s southern peninsula, south of the Ngurah Rai International airport on the route from Denpasar to Nusa Dua. The village has luxury hotels, and seafood restaurants dotted along its beaches.

The tantalising menus of the restaurants feature Jimbaran seafood, market fresh produce such as local herbs and spices, and imported beef to culminate into the finest cuisine to tease your taste buds.

After the 2005 Bali bombings, tourism in Jimbaran dropped dramatically, but has increased rapidly over the ensuing years to boost the local economy again.

Because Jimbaran is situated on the narrow neck, it has two distinct beaches. Jimbaran Beach on the west faces Jimbaran Bay, lined with new luxurious resorts, while the beach on the eastern side looks towards the body of water protected by Benoa Harbour.

On the western side, Jimbaran offers a small sheltered beach area where serenity and a tranquil environment set the scene.

The most popular attractions in Jimbaran encompass the beautiful limestone cliff-fringed beaches that are home to many of Bali’s reef breaks and surf spots. These beaches continuously lure wave riders and tourists from around the world with a liking for adventure.

A grand adaptable open-air location called the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Cultural Park (GWK) covers 250 hectares in the hills of Ungasan, and only some minutes’ drive from the key Jimbaran region. The Garuda is reported to be a Hindu mythical bird, and Wisnu is the Indonesian way of saying Kencana and Vishnu denotes a carriage.

The project was begun in 1997 by a Balinese sculptor called Nyoman Nuarta, and although it is only approximately 25% complete with Vishnu’s hands, Garuda’s head and Vishnu’s body, it has become one of Bali’s top attractions. When complete, the statue will be able to be noticed from 20 kilometres away.

This massive statue portrays the caring Hindu God Vishnu riding on the back of the mythical garuda eagle. As its current form, the upper torso and head, and the Vishnu’s hands are located in discrete places within the compound, making for extra attraction highpoints. The huge tower will be 145 metres high when completed, and will be included in the list of the world’s tallest landmarks.

On the highest level of the park grounds is Plaza Wisnu, the upper section of Vishnu’s body. With the grand statue as a background, traditional Balinese dance is performed. A sacred fountain, Parahyangan Somaka Giri, allegedly containing magical healing powers is located by the statue. The water apparently has rich minerals with healing abilities.

The key commercial region where many tours begin and end is the Street Theatre. There is a GWK Souvenir Shop, a reflexology outlet, and a Bali Art Market store. There are carvings on four limestone walls giving the story of Garuda Wisnu Kencana, with a Barong dance being performed each day.

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