If you order flowers through Lily’s Florist Bali you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.


Presently, all product values are quoted, and charged, in USD,. Lily’s Florist Bali has done this for ease of purchase and, let’s be honest about it, viewing a product that says 750,000RP does not looking very appealing on screen.

Flower Delivery In Bali

Lily’s Florist Bali, through a very strict quality policy, represents a handful of florists from Seminyak, to Kuta, to even as far afield as Ubud. We have taken the time to personally visit our selected florists and have struck up very close business relationships – on the back of an acute understanding of Balinese culture. Put simply, we have chosen the best florists in Bali to handle your flower orders.

Our flower delivery service fee in Bali is $9 USD. However, this means that whenever you order flowers, you will are guaranteed delivery the day you want them delivered. If any extra delivery is required Lily’s Florist Bali will personally pay the courier driver.

Due to the large amount of traffic in Bali Lily’s Florist Bali will never guarantee a delivery time, it is simply not possible. That being said, we will get your flower order to the recipient as soon as possible the day you want the flowers delivered.

Lily’s Florist Bali is able to offer a same day delivery flower service to Bali so long as you get your flower order in before 3pm the day you want the flowers delivered.

Once Lily’s Florist Bali has delivered flowers to the nominated address it is the recipient’s responsibility to take care of the flowers.

If we receive a flower order after 5pm Saturday, it will be delivered ASAP the following Monday morning.

In order for a flower order to be delivered in Bali you must provide us with the following, accurate, information:

  • Your contact details
  • Very accurate details on the address of the recipient. We ask this as Bali is renowned for having very poorly signed homes and villas. Essentially, there are few house numbers to work with, and even some streets have two names
  • Recipient’s phone number (we will only call if we cannot contact you), this is a critical detail that must be adhered to. If you are not able to provide a contact number of the recipient please list the name of the phone number of the villa/resort/hotel that the person is staying in

Extra Delivery Charges

If you have not provided Lily’s Florist Bali with the correct delivery details, and your flower order needs to come back to the store, you will incur another delivery charge of $12.

Flower Payment Options

Lily’s Florist Bali accepts onlie, or over the phone payment by American Express, MasterCard, Visa, and PayPal. You will however be charged a processing fee that will be added to your cart total towards the end of the checkout process. Lily’s Florist Bali’s credit card fees are no more than what is charged by PayPal.
Lily’s Florist Bali’s credit card and PayPal fees are as follows:

• Visa 1%
• Mastercard 1%
• American Express 3%
• PayPal 1.5%

Flower Substitution Policy

Due to seasonal influences and hot weather in Bali, Indonesia, from time to time, Lily’s Florist Bali mane need to substitute flowers in a particular flower order. Lily’s Florist Bali will usually substitute a similar flower in colour and value. That being said, Lily’s Florist Bali will never substitute say a bunch of 12 Roses as they are always in stock.

Lily’s Florist Bali Guarantee’s Satisfaction

Lily’s Florist Bali is very proud of what we send to our value customers in terms of flower quality and freshness of flowers. However, due to the extreme weather conditions in Bali the lifespan of a bunch or arrangement/box of flowers may be shorter than expected – and perhaps what you are used to in more moderate climates. As previously mentioned the recipient of the flowers can negate this to a large measure by simply getting the flowers into a vase of water as soon as possible.

It is also advised that the water in the vase is changed every day and, if they have the time, to snip the end of each stem of flowers when the water is changed – around 4cm’s. This add to the life of the flowers and keep them as fresh as possible.

If would like to discuss the quality of a flower order ensure this is done within 12 hours of the delivery day/time. To help Lily’s Florist Bali assess the possible issue please ensure that you email a photograph of the flowers that were delivered. This is critical as it will help Lily’s Florist Bali to determine the issue and assist in solving it for you