Lily’s Florist Bali – Privacy Policy

  1. Lily’s Florist Bali will never, ever, sell your personal information. This information is valuable to the success of the business long-term.
  2. Lily’s Florist Bali has the strongest security available on the internet – every flower transaction is protected by the highest level SSL certificate provided by Letsencrypt
  3. Lily’s Florist Bali, for security reasons, does not retain your personal credit card information and card numbers
  4. Lily’s Florist Bali only keeps personal details relevant to your flower order
  5. If you order flowers through Lily’s Florist Bali you must be over the age of 18 years old, if you are younger than that you must be supervised by an adult
  6. Lily’s Florist Bali has a very serious commitment to protecting your personal data
  7. From time to time you may receive SMS marketing alerts
  8. From time to time you may receive E-Marketing alerts
  9. Lily’s Florist Bali may use cookies to assist in creating better user experience

If you have any enquiries or concerns about your privacy please contact us.