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Hello there, and welcome to Lily’s Florist Bali!

We basically love what we do and promise that you will too!

Firstly, a little bit about us. We are a florist delivery service in Denpasar – and yes, we focus on creating beautiful, practical, gorgeous flower products regardless of what others may think! You see, our affection for flowers motivates who we are and what we do … each and every day.

And guess what? Something astonishing has happened! We are taking flowers to the next level and are committed to making your floral delivery just that little bit easier! At Lily’s Florist Denpasar, we believe flower delivery should be reliable, affordable, and hassle-free. Our desire is to provide first-class service and involvement, no matter what your budget.

Our same-day delivery and no-hassle customer service will show that your breath-taking arrangement will arrive on time and on budget. You see, with our veteran team of florists and floral professionals we make sure we are with you every step of the way, by phone, text or email – your choice!

How, you may ask? Well, at the sake of repeating ourselves: We purely admire what we do and guarantee that you will too!

When words are not enough, Lily’s Florist Denpasar balance your day in an exclusive way to help your friends and loved ones to feel so much better when you send them flowers. Our flower arrangements set trends every day, all over the world, so welcome again to Lily’s Florist Denpasar, Bali. We are the site to find all your answers regarding flowers and flower deliveries.

Imagine this … the doorbell rings or there’s a knock on the door. You hear the words: “Flower Delivery!”

Would you believe ... we deliver smiles?

When you open the door, you are offered a gorgeous vase filled with roses – and – you’re smiling – you’re surprised – then your whole day has changed for the better!

We at Lily’s Florist Denpasar have been inspiring people to care about their friends and loved ones and finding out sending flowers to their friends and loved ones is the best way to connect with them, express themselves, and perhaps discover what’s happening?

Making people smile is no small accomplishment. It’s a passion and an art that’s been in our family, and it’s what drives us to do what we do; and it’s not just an everyday business plan; it’s actually how we see this great big country and the world!

And do you know? We believe in having a good time while doing what we love, and we really love what we do! We also believe we have been successfully selling flowers for quite a while now, which gives us even more love for this industry.

When we see a rose or an oriental lily, we do not just see a beautiful flower; we see an opportunity to help someone express a feeling, whether it be appreciation, gratitude, adoration, love or sympathy. It can be hard to express what is in your heart, but a special bouquet of flowers can do the job remarkably well.

Would you believe the team at Lily’s Florist Denpasar who arrange your exquisite gifts, comprise the finest florists in Indonesia? We know that by having some of the best florists on our staff we are able to deliver consistently the best flower arrangements and products. For us, delivering happiness is more than a just a nice thought. Because it has been our business for many years, we believe it’s a job we are lucky to have, and we know it; and when someone gets one of our floral arrangements, we can tell they agree also – it’s as plain as the smile on their face!

You can rest assured your flowers will be sent on the same day as your order; no occasion deserves to be missed. By doing this, we are able to deliver the freshest selection of flowers available by letting you share our website effortlessly.

Create an eye-catching fulfilment instantly by ordering online and witness the dazzle and delight your loved ones realise, wherever they may be.

There is always a time for celebration, relaxation and fun, and for all those reasons, we offer gorgeous floral gifts that reflect those specific occasions. Gerbera daisies are a beautiful choice for birthday flowers; calla lilies are ideal for a wedding in summer, and a flower arrangement of bright yellow roses makes a great gift at any social gathering.

Lily’s Florist Denpasar is the best choice when shopping for all your fresh flower arrangements or gifts for that special occasion, because our focus is on our clients’ satisfaction; it is for this very reason that we owe our success.

Flowers arranged at Lily’s Florist Denpasar are made with skill, passion for detail, and with the utmost excellence. We also implement strict membership criteria for our florists. Did you know that most of our florists on staff have been with us for many years? Their loyalty gives us the inclination to adopt and embrace this supportive atmosphere. We espouse the latest trends in flower arrangements and are always up-to-date with any new practices in the floral industry.

Our florists undergo constant and continuing education in the industry so that innovative products are always on call to follow the latest trends.

Denpasar, also known as ‘The Heart of Bali’ has many places of interest in its more than 125 square kilometres of land with an elevation ranging from 12 to 75 metres above sea level. With a population of approximately 360,000 people, the town is moderately busy, especially amongst its crisscrossing traffic.

Denpasar, apart from being known as an administration and business centre, it also is renowned for its educational environment. There are more than 16 universities in and around the city as well as hundreds of schools, consisting kindergartens, elementary and high schools.

The airport at Ngurah Rai Denpasar is usually the point of arrival for visitors to Bali. However, ever since the completion of the four-lane Jalan Bypass, the visitors are likely to see little of the city itself as they off to one of the tourist attractions.

If you wish to take a tour of the city, it is best started from Puputan Badung Square at the centre of the city. The garden square is usually crowded in the afternoons when families bring their children to play and have fun. East of the Square is a Hindu temple called Pura Agung Jaganatha which is visited by Hindu followers on special occasions such as on the night of the full moon and during the new moon.

Next to the temple is the Bali Museum which has the most comprehensive collection of artefacts and a record of Balinese history from the prehistoric to the Second World War.

The city of Denpasar has been in the province of Bali since 1936 when it took over this role from Singaraja in the north of the island. At that time it established its name as Denpasar, meaning ‘new market’ from its previous name of Badung, from the district in which it lies. Many of the local people still refer to is as Badung.

The palace of the Rajas of Badung is now a pleasant small hotel situated in the approach to Jalan Thamrin and Jalan Hassannudin. The palace was almost completely destroyed by fire after the Puputan on September 1906, but was rebuilt later by the Dutch. A notable feature is the richly decorated entrance which was the only relic from the original palace.

The Bali National Museum, although not up to standards of world-class museums, is well worth the visit. Most of the exhibits now have English labels explaining their history, origin and significance.

The Museum in Jalan Wisnu near Puputan Square is housed in three adjoining buildings in traditional Balinese-style or rebuilt on the model of the original palace. The rear of the building is best to begin your visit as you encounter exhibits including a glass case containing pictures of a wedding, and a tooth-filing ceremony; various models of a royal throne, batik work and embroidery, and carved symbols of Hindu religions.

The Pura Maospahit is one of the most important temples in Denpasar and one of the oldest, dating back to the 15th century. As the name suggests, the temple was founded by the Majapahit dynasty (originally from Java), and in the course of its history, it has been frequently altered and embellished so that much of the original furnishings have been lost.

Denpasar is carefully grounded on tourism as a dependable zone which brings a significant input to the Balinese society in general.
