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Are you looking to revitalize some person’s day? Would you be searching for a dreamy gift for your loved one on your anniversary? Lily's Florist Bali now delivers flowers to Sanur.

We have the flowers! Yes, Lily’s Florist Sanur has the flowers!

You can easily choose from a great range of cheerful and colourful bouquets to charming and delicate floral gifts. We also have a widespread choice of hand-crafted gifts, like flowers and hampers for anniversaries, birthdays and for most occasions.

Lily’s Florist Sanur will deliver superb red roses for a wedding anniversary or a bright floral bouquet for a special birthday surprise. Perhaps you wish to celebrate the birth of a new baby? We have the right gift for you with a gorgeous floral baby basket delivered to the hospital or home.

If you want to celebrate a birthday with style, we have jazzy and exciting flower arrangements that are sure to surprise and delight the recipient; and for those special events Lily’s Florist Sanur has designed a special range of floral bouquets and arrangements that express your devotion and warm wishes.

Lily's Florist Sanur, Bali observes the highest quality standards with each one of our products; as a result, we are acknowledged far and wide as one of the most preferred florists.

Lily’s Florist Sanur can deliver a wide range of beautiful, fresh flowers both in store and online. With our experienced floral designers, we can create that stunning gift of flowers or hampers to mark any special occasion like anniversaries, birthdays, or perhaps just to say ‘hello.’

Whatever the reason, it is always a wonderful surprise to open your door to a beautiful selection of flowers from Lily’s Florist Sanur.

Do you know also, that the team at Lily’s Florist that arranges your exquisite gifts consist of some of the finest florists in Indonesia? We know that by having the best florists on our staff we are able to deliver consistently the best flower arrangements and products.

For us, delivering happiness is more than a just a nice thought. Since selling fresh flowers has been our business for many years, we believe it’s a job we are lucky to have, and we know it; and when someone gets one of our floral arrangements, we can tell they agree also – it’s as plain as the smile on their face!

You can rest assured that Lily’s Florist Sanur has an assortment of flower arrangements for all tastes, budgets, as well as all occasions.

So why not order your fresh flowers online or over the phone? You can use our secure site and pay by credit card or PayPal.

If you spend some time away from the popular beaches, there is a wealth of stimulating attractions and culture in Sanur. For traditional Balinese music and dance, the resort is the top place to be, with performances every night of the week in the hotels and restaurants of Sanur.

If you are into inspecting temples, there are some fascinating temples to discover. Also, you can take part in pulsating festivities or stroll through interesting art museums. Outside town is a range of natural habitats such as the colourful orchid gardens, the Bali Mangrove Forest, and one should not forget the striking Lebih beach with its black sands. Sanur also boasts excellent spa facilities and many stylish giftware boutiques.

The normally peaceful town of Sanur comes to life every August with one of Bali’s flamboyant festivals. The popular Sanur Village Festival displays all the music, culture and the town’s huge diversity in art one could hope to enjoy for the week-long event. Included are all the adrenaline-pumping beach sports, fine art exhibitions, cookery, and musical performances.

One of the highpoints of the festival is the annual kite flying competition which entices competitors from throughout Indonesia.

Talking about fine museums, there is this delightful art museum devoted to the life and work of Belgian artist Adrien le Mayeur. The Museum le Mayeur is tucked away between seafront cafes and five-star beach resorts. Adrien le Mayeur was one of the initial emigrant artists to settle down in Bali in the 1930s, and any visitor to the area can quite easily see his former home which still holds many personal effects, photographs and paintings.

Le Mayeur’s house is built in the traditional Balinese wooden cottage style and has been restored, featuring exquisitely carved archways set in a picture-perfect garden.

Thinking of a short-range excursion from Sanur? One of the most popular ones is a cruise to the Badung Strait visiting the serene island of Nusa Lembongan. This beautiful island is bounded by unspoiled coral reefs and its white sandy beaches attract hordes of surfers and scuba divers. If you think the lifestyle on Sanur is peaceful, then the pace of life on the island is markedly serene. Although a day trip is feasible, it is advisable to spend a few days to really soak up the peaceful atmosphere.

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