Flower Delivery to Pererenan

Lily's Florist Bali now delivers our stunning floral arrangements across Pererenan. From our classic 12 Red Roses Bunch from $35 to our luxurious and most popular 60 Red Roses Arrangement from $140, we offer a wide range of options for every occasion in Pererenan. Make your gift extra special with our unique Bali Bright Bunch from $40 or indulge in our premium Cheese, Fruit, and Wine Gift Hamper from $120. For wellness enthusiasts like so many that come to Pererenan in Bali, how about our 1 Hour Bali Massage package with 12 Mixed Roses and complimentary chocolates (from $60) for your GFF, partner or lover - they will absolutely love it. We offer same-day delivery to Pererenan for all orders flower placed before 3PM, bringing fresh blooms to your loved ones. My name is Ayu, my English is excellent, if you would like to talk about an order, or need some help please phone or WhatsApp me today.

Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Save 7%
$43.00 $40.00
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Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
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Same Day Delivery
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Same Day Delivery