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Same Day Flowers Delivery to Kuta

Trusted Bali, Local Daily Florist Delivery

Discover the joy and beauty of sending flowers to Kuta, Bali, with Lily’s Florist—your trusted local daily florist delivery service. Experience the freshness and dazzle of our floral arrangements, crafted with care and personalised attention, ensuring your sentiments are conveyed perfectly to your loved ones in Kuta and across Bali.

Fresh, gorgeous, dazzling flowers are waiting for you at Lily’s Florist Kuta, Bali!

Believe it! At Lily’s Florist Kuta, Bali, we apply a special and personal method in delivering fresh flowers to not only all parts of Kuta, we also deliver fresh flowers to Bali like Ubud, Seminyak & Legian.

Best Romantic Flowers to Kuta

We can do this simply because to coincide with our huge success we have experienced in Australia and the huge demand from our wonderful customers, Lily’s Florist Bali have partnered with a vast network of expert florists in Kuta to deliver happy flowers in and around Kuta and Bali.

As we are one of the market leaders of online retailers of flowers, special gifts and hampers in Indonesia, we just love to deliver fresh and meaningful messages of love to the special people in your life. You can choose from our standard catalogue on our web pages or talk to one of our expert florist consultants and we will help you to customise your special order.

Stunning Birthday Flowers to Kuta

Have we mentioned it before? We know and understand the significance of providing fresh, beautiful flowers, and we have an outstanding standard of customer service to go with it! By using our exclusive highly skilled florists, your flower arrangements will be hand-designed for the best value-for-money and personal service that will gain a long-lasting relationship.

Trust Us to Delivery Smiles to Kuta

Remember, you can rely on Lily’s Florist Kuta, Bali to deliver beautiful flowers for important occasions like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and Christmas, to name a few, using the best, fresh flowers for the occasion.

We will make that special day very special and exceptional occasion very memorable because our highly skilled and professional florists are committed to creating artistic and beautiful floral arrangements using only the highest quality of fresh, seasonal flowers.

Anniversary Flowers Delivery Today 

On anniversaries, birthdays, just to say “hello”, or for any other reason, it’s always a wonderful surprise to open your door to a stunning floral arrangement from Lily’s Florist Kuta, Bali

Let Lily’s Florist Kuta be your first choice for sending flowers in Bali. Our dedication to quality, coupled with our passion for bringing joy through flowers, makes us the ideal partner for all your floral needs. Experience the difference today—send a bouquet from Lily’s Florist and let your loved ones in Kuta feel the warmth of your affection.

Choose Lily’s Florist for your next flower delivery in Kuta, and let us help you make every moment special.

A Little About Kuta, Bali

What is the best-known tourist resort region that has a great surfing beach on the island of Bali?

Why, Kuta of course! This beautiful area of Bali was originally discovered by tourists as a surfing paradise with its long, broad Indian Ocean beach-front.

As a classic backpacking route in South East Asia, Kuta was mentioned during the 1980s in the three ‘Ks’ as Khao San Road in Bangkok, Kathmandu in Nepal, and Kuta in Bali. In recent times, backpackers and tourists from all over the world are making Kuta a playground for young and old.

This vibrant town is increasing in popularity while continually developing, although while some scenes can be viewed as congested, overcrowded and chaotic, amongst all this confusion, the town continues to thrive as thousands of visitors enjoy their pleasure trip each year.

Although the infrastructure is still inadequate for the amount of visitors and residents in the area, it has come a long way in the last few years. While road rules are virtually non-existent, most roads are hectic with private vehicles, metered taxis and motor scooters, while the locals and seasoned travelers blast their horns to indicate overtaking instead of using signals.

Free Wi-Fi can be accessed in local restaurants, cafes, hotels and convenience stores and there are a few prepaid mobile phone SIM cards available everywhere with competitive plans. Hawkers are persistently trying to sell you something whether you are seated in a restaurant or walking down the street.

Kuta is famous for its spectacular white sandy beach curving north from the Ngurah Rai International Airport’s runway in Tuban and attracting visitors with more highlights than the favourite surfing coast itself. The airport is also known as Denpasar International Airport (DPS) and is directly south of Kuta, approximately 15 minutes away by taxi. Some of these attractions along the road include several hotels from the budget through to the luxury five-star class, while the one-stop holiday of Kuta offers plenty of selection in hilarious nightlife, restaurants, international cuisine, bars, pubs and shopping centers.

The beach itself stretches for approximately five kilometers from the island’s International Airport on the south-western coast, and if you want to relish in the golden sunsets of Bali all year round, Kuta Beach is the place to be.

Along Kuta beach is a footpath which lets you enjoy a leisurely stroll past the Discovery Shopping Mall, hotel beachfronts, the likes of which are the Grand Inna Kuta Bali, the colourful Kuta Art Market, and the Balawista Kuta lifeguard tower. Favourite pastimes on the beach are swimming and beach soccer, surfing and sunbathing; all the while masseuses, hair braiders and peddlers roam around for any business that may come their way.

Modern establishments are dotted along the beach roads of Jalan Pantai Kuta and Jalan Kartika Plaza such as numerous hotels, entertainment spots, with a mix of restaurants and bars.

You can learn to surf with the best instructors in Bali. Being a world surfing mecca, the surfer can begin by learning surf etiquette, surf safety and knowledge of minimal impact to the ocean and surrounding land environments.

How about buying something from a stall in Kuta? You should be aware beforehand that although its stalls sell fake DVDs, sunglasses and Bintang T-shirts, it’s still an experience of a lifetime. A lively network of narrow streets is filled with budget hotels, stalls, cheap warungs, and a mass of bicycles flashing past, and cars endeavoring to get through the crowds of tourists.

While Kuta is designed for the tourist with its budget hotels, inexpensive food and surf-wear, there is definitely a vibe of energy that need not be missed. Sadly, Ground Zero is where Balinese residents and tourists still keep coming to place fresh flowers at the Memorial there. Every year, a Bali Bomb Memorial Event is also held, and is hosted in cooperation with the Indonesian and Australian governments. This memorial is in place of the destroyed Paddy’s Pub that was a very famous attraction for many Australians.

The bar was restructured further down the Legian road, and has been renamed ‘Paddy’s Reloaded’. It now continues to attract partygoers to the site which is open on all four sides, with hard-tiled floors and a high roof, giving it an open-air atmosphere.

Made of intricately carved sandstone, and set with a large marble plaque bearing the names and nationalities of the victims, Ground Zero is illuminated at night and well-preserved by the local government.

Across the road from the Discovery Shopping Mall is the Waterbom Bali. This huge waterslide and recreational park is reputed to be Bali’s largest and pioneering waterpark available to the guests staying at the distinguished hotel across the road. Thrills that can be experienced are the Superbowl, Smashdown, Boomerang, Climax ‘super-loop’ body slide, Race Track, and many more heart-pumping slides.

Looking for something different? There is one establishment in Indonesia, the Bali Shall Museum, which has shell variations of inconceivable forms and sizes, including fossilised specimen that are 100 years old that have been converted into fine art. The museum is a three-story centre which occupies more than half an office block on the Sunset Road, Kuta. Inside is a huge range of seashells from not only Indonesia, but the world over.

Another striking landmark is the Kongco Bio Kuta Chinese Temple, also known as the Vihara Dharmayana. Being slightly hidden off a side-street, this Buddhist temple is one of the oldest in the region, dating back two centuries. Highlighting complex Far Eastern architecture painted in brilliant colours, the main structure is still well-conserved. Out in the courtyard there is a calm atmosphere with wafts of incense coming from the large bowls and alter. If you are observant, you would be able to spot the red roof tiles from the busy road.

The Kuta Theatre is a must-see on the Jalan Kartika Plaza because of its unique charm of the entertainment scene with the stage magicians performing their magical tricks. It has now evolved to thrilling stage magic combined with a theatrical and cultural drama called ‘Lights of Faith’ which tells the story of old-fashioned relationships faced with the challenges of modern times. There are hilarious moments blended with tense and thrilling illusion scenes.

The Kuta Sea Turtle Conservation Site is a special highpoint on the coastline of Kuta Beach, close to the conspicuous Balawista Lifeguard tower and headquarters. This institution was built mainly to protect sea turtles and to increase their numbers. Over the years, the site has released more than tens of thousands of hatchlings as it gets ready for the breeding season which occurs around the months of June and July. A large noticeable pen structure in the shape of a giant sea turtle was established in 2002, and now proves very popular for tourists’ photos.

Traffic jams are a constant problem in Kuta, especially when it is raining. If driving, it is recommended you park before reaching downtown Kuta and walk the rest of the way. If caught in a traffic jam within the centre, you could quite easily take more than half an hour to travel a short distance.

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