Florists Choice Savoury Hamper

Same Day Delivery

A basket filled with salty and Savoury to tempt the palate of someone you consider special.

Please note: This is a Florists Choice product, meaning that the florist will put into it whatever they have in stock at the time in the shop.

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Why Buy With Us

Satisfaction GuaranteedWe promise you will be amazed with your flowers!

Order Safely From Any DeviceUsing our secure payment gateway – PayPal.

Same Day DeliveryOrder before 3pm local time for same day delivery to major tourist destinations in South Bali.

Pay With PayPalPay with your PayPal account, or by using any credit card.

English & Indonesian Speaking


Are you looking at spoiling someone's Taste buds with a tantalizing mix of lovely savoury treats. This brilliant savoury hamper is a great gift for a birthday or perhaps even for someone that has just moved into a new home and needs a little bit of celebrating.

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