Flower Delivery to Canggu

We are the #1 local florist in Canggu in Bali. We have been delivering flowers to Canggu since 2014 and have many thousands of happy customers. Again, we are a real local florist, not an online florist. We stock a loving range of flowers to Canggu for all occasions, our most popular being flowers for love and romance, our large range of Bali gift hampers, and flowers for birthdays. Lily's Florist Bali delivers same day flowers to Canggu 7 days a week, however please ensure you flower order gets to us before 5PM the day you need the flowers delivered. My name s Ayu and I am here to help you every step of the way. Please feel free to order flowers online to Canggu but if you have any personal requests you are most welcome to contact me directly via WhatsApp here. You can also email and I will get back to you right away. Semoga harimu menyenangkan!

Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
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$43.00 $40.00
Same Day Delivery
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$65.00 $63.00
Same Day Delivery
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$150.00 $130.00
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
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$93.00 $92.00
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
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$57.00 $56.00
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery

Best Flowers to Canggu

Have you heard the breaking news?

Fresh, gorgeous, dazzling flowers are waiting for you at Lily’s Florist Bali - Canggu, Indonesia.

Do you know that at Lily’s Florist Canggu, we apply a special and personal method in delivering fresh flowers to not only all parts of Canggu, but to all sections of Indonesia?

Yes, we are an entirely Australian owned business esteemed with impeccable values – and now we are here in Canggu because of many requests from our customers everywhere.

Lily's Florist Canggu, Bali observes the highest quality standards with each one of our products; as a result, we are acknowledged far and wide as one of the most preferred florists.

All Occasions Gifts to Canggu

Lily’s Florist Canggu can deliver a wide range of beautiful, fresh flowers both in store and online. With our experienced floral designers, we can create that stunning gift of flowers or hampers to mark any special occasion like anniversaries, birthdays, or perhaps just to say ‘hello.’
Whatever the reason, it is always a wonderful surprise to open your door to a beautiful selection of flowers from Lily’s Florist Canggu.

Do you know also, that the team at Lily’s Florist Canggu that arranges your exquisite gifts consist of some of the finest florists in Indonesia? We know that by having the best florists on our staff we are able to deliver consistently the best flower arrangements and products.

For us, delivering happiness is more than a just a nice thought. Since selling fresh flowers has been our business for many years, we believe it’s a job we are lucky to have, and we know it; and when someone gets one of our floral arrangements, we can tell they agree also – it’s as plain as the smile on their face!

Same Day Gift Hampers to Canggu

Because we are one of the market leaders of online retailers of flowers, special gifts and hampers in Indonesia, we just love to deliver fresh and meaningful messages of love to that special person in your life. You can choose from our standard catalogue on our web pages or talk to one of our expert florist consultants and they will help you to customise your special order.

You can rest assured that Lily’s Florist Canggu has an assortment of flower arrangements for all tastes, budgets, as well as all occasions.

So why not order your fresh flowers online or over the phone? You can use our secure site and pay by credit card or PayPal.

Just a 15 minute drive from the centre of Kuta, you arrive at a virgin tourism spot in Bali called Canggu. Yet, if you prefer to walk the distance, you will be able to trek your way along the beach line of Kuta and Seminyak to the north until you arrive at this beautiful location of Canggu.

The environment of this unspoiled paradise can only be explained as tranquil and relaxing! Visitors have been known to overstay their visit because of the serenity they experience during their stay.

The small village of Canggu is situated on the coastal stretch, running north from the township of Berawa, through to the village of Cemagi. This route takes you through Echo Beach, Pererenan Beach, Nelayan Beach, Seseh Beach, Selasih Beach and Mengening Beach. At this stage, inland from the beach, the area is still largely rural, although development is catching up quickly.

The surfing zones are quite challenging, but the sand along the beach is black to dark grey and somewhat uninviting. Many expatriates choose to live in the area, alongside many villas owned by nationals from overseas.

Although many of the surfers stay at one or other of the less expensive Canggu homestays back off Berawa Beach, if you need something a little upmarket, you can stay at the Legong Keraton Hotel. From here, you can walk south, passing an abandoned hotel that is still half-built, then through to a lagoon. At the far side of this lagoon is a rickety bamboo suspension bridge that leads to one of the favourite spots in the region, Warung Agung Kayu Putih. If you keep on the track you will arrive at Batu Belig, which is in Seminyak.

A great fishing-village beach is the Nelayan Beach. During the day not much happens, but early mornings can get busy with line-fishing off the beach and launching the boats out before the sea swell develops. Because of the busy fishing activities, surfing is less active at Nelayan.

The Batu Bolong Beach is recognised as being quiet with good eating establishments such as the Bamboo Om restaurant. Here you can enjoy some excellent food at reasonable prices.

Canggu’s celebrated beach is Batu Mejan Beach, or better known as Echo Beach. There is a large retaining wall protecting a recreation area accommodating some of Canggu’s fine restaurants, one of which is the Echo Beach House. South of this retaining wall is the sprawling Sea Sentosa Development.

Isolated and laid-back is the best description given to Pererenan Beach which is the furthest west beach around the Canggu section. Many luminescent green rice fields are seen along the way to Pererenan, and while there are some villas dotted here and there, it’s not as built up as one travels further south.

Looking for something private and luxurious? Maridadi Villa is a new private villa located on the oceanfront at Canggu Village. Showcasing spectacular ocean views and exotic sunsets, the Maridadi Villa is recommended for simply oceanfront luxury living.