BIMC Hospital

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Lily’s Florist Bali will work with you all the way to make sure your gift is delivered to the respective hospital.

Lily’s Florist Bali observes the highest quality standards with each one of our products; as a result, we are acknowledged far and wide as one of the most preferred florists. We are the only florist in Bali that delivers flowers to BIMC Hospital!

Lily’s Florist Bali can deliver a wide range of beautiful, fresh flowers both in store and online. With our experienced floral designers, we can create that stunning gift of flowers for hospital deliveries.

Whatever the reason, it is always a wonderful surprise to receive a beautiful selection of flowers from Lily’s Florist Bali.

Do you know also, that the team at Lily’s Florist Bali that arranges your exquisite gifts consist of some of the finest florists in Indonesia? We know that by having the best florists on our staff we are able to deliver consistently the best flower arrangements and products.

For us, delivering happiness is more than a just a nice thought. Since selling fresh flowers has been our business for many years, we believe it’s a job we are lucky to have, and we know it; and when someone gets one of our floral arrangements, we can tell they agree also – it’s as plain as the smile on their face!

To coincide with our huge success we have experienced in Australia and the huge demand from our wonderful customers, Lily’s Florist Bali have partnered with a vast network of expert florists in Indonesia to deliver happy flowers in and around Indonesia.

BIMC HOSPITAL originated from a dream to create a medical centre with International standards in an attempt to accommodate the increasing requirements of quality healthcare services for residents and tourists in Bali.

Founder and CEO of BIMC Hospital, Craig Beveridge, initially established the idea when he was working with a travel agency in Bali during the late 1990s. After an unlucky accident in white-water rafting, concerning a tour member, Craig brought to mind the necessity of having a medical and emergency care centre in Bali with International standards.

BIMC Hospital opened its doors in a small building on July 27th, 1998, with only a staff of ten. As the number of patients developed, it was ascertained three consultation rooms and two observation beds were not enough. Necessitating a bigger and an all-inclusive facility, a four-storey building was constructed in 2005 in the Simpang Siur region, Kuta.

In 2007, BIMC Hospital moved another large step forward by acquiring its authorised licence as a fully recognised hospital facility. Not long after, BIMC Hospital confirmed its position in the medical tourism industry. Consequently, a new hospital was erected in 2012 in Nusa Dua, which now offers dialysis treatments with spa services for visitors, surgical and non-surgical cosmetic managements, as well as professional dental care.

At present, after 14 years of being established, BIMC Hospital has assisted up to 200,000 patients. Additionally, BIMC Hospital is renowned as the only chosen healthcare provider in Indonesia by the International Assistance Group (IAG) and a preferred partner of Australian Oil & Gas (AOG).

BIMC Hospital delivers a large array of all-inclusive services implemented by skilled medical staff in two facilities situated in Nusa Dua and Kuta. The hospital frequently bring up-to-date its facilities and qualification processes of staff to meet Indonesian and International standards.

Dr Donna Moniaga, Chief Medical Director, supervises a devoted team of specialists from Australia, UK, USA, Indonesia, New Zealand, Japan, and Sweden who are prepared to help patients 24 hours a day. Patients are guaranteed they are getting the best care possible in Bali because the BIMC Hospital is equipped with all the medical know-how conceivable.

By refining the excellence of healthcare facilities in Bali, BIMC Hospital applies standards that prioritise the safety of patients, and the implementing of proper medical records. As well as providing a relaxed family area for patients, BIMC Hospital also permits second opinions of CT scan readings, and creates a follow up call system to patients for their own records.

Both BIMC Hospitals in Nusa Dua and Kuta are the same in excellence but differ slightly in their purpose. Because of this obvious difference of features in each location, the patients admitted at each setting also differ. BIMC Hospital in Nusa Dua typically caters more to tourists and their specific medical treatments, such as dental or dialysis treatments, whereas BIMC Hospital Kuta is situated in a very strategic, central position and receives more patients in need of emergency medical care.

The majority of the services are shared between the two hospitals, but dependent on which service the patients pursue, and the type of care they require, they will be referred to the hospital that suits them best.

BIMC Hospital

Address: Jalan by-Pass Ngurah Rai, Kuta, Badung, Bali, Indonesia

Phone: +62 361 761263

We also send same day flowers to:

Flowers Ubud

Flowers Seminyak

Flowers Nusa Dua

Flowers Legian

Flowers Denpasar

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