12 Pink Roses

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Satisfaction GuaranteedWe promise you will be amazed with your flowers!

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Same Day DeliveryOrder before 3pm local time for same day delivery to major tourist destinations in South Bali.

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English & Indonesian Speaking


A sweet blushing scent visits you twelve times in a day with 12 Pink Roses!

You would love to see a dozen of pink roses flashing at your door, delivered by our friendly florist. Its crisp rosy scent and delicate pink tones just gives you all the feminine feels you need after a day’s work. The recipient can be you or someone you know who deserves the presence of this charming bouquet of flowers. Such pretty sight will welcome all the good nostalgia back to your mind.

Who would be the lucky one? Of course you can send this charmer on random days but it will also be a hit when you send this as birthday gift for a coming of age lady or a comforting offering to a sick friend who is in recovery.

Lovelier in pinks, more luscious with chocolates, order 12 Pink Roses now for same day delivery.

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